Hi, this is Wendy (@bergamotperfume)! I listen to a lot of new music and have always really enjoyed making playlists and recommending new music to my friends. My vision for this newsletter is a space where I can share what I’m listening to with a community of people who love and support independent music and artists, especially ones that are not generally represented by the mainstream.

If you would like to join me, click on the sign-up button below to subscribe!

Why subscribe?

Do you like new music? Of course you do. Get a cool newsletter every week about the best new music, straight to your inbox.

Join the crew

Every month, I also plan on using the Community feature on Substack so we can ALL share our favorite music. Please stay tuned!

What readers say

“Stop introducing me to new music. I am going broke from all the concerts”

- my friend Adrian

(Would you like to leave a review? Tweet me with a quote!)

Still not sure?

  1. Follow my new music playlist below.

  2. Put it on shuffle until you find something you like!

  3. (optional) Feel free to tweet me (@bergamotperfume) if you like any of the songs you have discovered through the playlist, I always love hearing from people who have found something new because of me :)

Subscribe to The Sound

A newsletter to help you keep up with the best new music out there!
